Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Devotion for today” I am thankful for my family

This week we are looking at areas of our lives for which we give thanks.

Scripture for meditation: Deuteronomy 4:40 
Keep his decrees and commands, which I am giving you today, so that it may go well with you and your children after you and that you may live long in the land the LORD your God gives you for all time.

Scripture for reflection: Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

The Catechism of the Catholic tells us: 2204The Christian family constitutes a specific revelation and realization of ecclesial communion, and for this reason it can and should be called a domestic church." It is a community of faith, hope, and charity; it assumes singular importance in the Church, as is evident in the New Testament. 2205 The Christian family is a communion of persons, a sign and image of the communion of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit. In the procreation and education of children it reflects the Father's work of creation. It is called to partake of the prayer and sacrifice of Christ. Daily prayer and the reading of the Word of God strengthen it in charity. The Christian family has an evangelizing and missionary task. 2206 The relationships within the family bring an affinity of feelings, affections and interests, arising above all from the members' respect for one another. The family is a privileged community called to achieve a "sharing of thought and common deliberation by the spouses as well as their eager cooperation as parents in the children's upbringing." II. THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY: 2207 The family is the original cell of social life. It is the natural society in which husband and wife are called to give themselves in love and in the gift of life. Authority, stability, and a life of relationships within the family constitute the foundations for freedom, security, and fraternity within society. The family is the community in which, from childhood, one can learn moral values, begin to honor God, and make good use of freedom. Family life is an initiation into life in society.

St. Anthony Mary Claret (from his autobiography) states: "Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting." http://catholicfire.blogspot.com/2008/02/saints-on-love-some-of-my-favorite.html

My thoughts: I recently substituted in the kindergarten class at my parish school. The little ones were instructed to open their morning prayer with thanksgiving. Every single one of them thanked God first and foremost for their parents and their families. It reminded me of the simplicity of life. Really, there isn’t much more we need in life other than the love of our family. It is the sign and symbol of God the Father’s love for us. It is the reminder that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. So goes our treatment of our family, so goes our treatment of Christ. We learn in our families how to love in the Christian sense of the word: without motive or agenda, patiently, never seeking our own good but only the good of the other. How wonderful the world would be today if families followed the Bible and the Catechism, and taught God’s words on love and living to their children. What a wonderful world it would be!

Prayer: Family Prayer To The Holy Family
O Heavenly Father, our loving God, you have given us the Holy Family as our patron to bless and guide our families that the fruit of the Holy Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control - shall reign in our homes.

As husbands and wives, teach us to love our spouses more than ever. As parents, give us wisdom and knowledge in rearing our offsprings to be responsible and successful Christians forever. As brothers and sisters, may we learn to care and support for one another and be of inspiration to each other. As children, teach us to be obedient just as Jesus showed obedience and respect to Mary and Joseph.

As Christians, melt us, mold us, fill us, and use us, in spreading the good news in our community that they may see Christ in us. When trials come, help us to face them with trusting faith and confidently hope that all things work for good for those who love God. May we have a happy holy family forever through Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, our miraculous patron, the adorable Holy Family. Amen.

Submitted to Catholic Payers
by Romeo (boyeT) T. Santiano
on February 19, 2000 http://www.yenra.com/catholic/prayers/family-prayer-to-the-holy-family.html


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