Thursday, May 9, 2013

Devotion for today: Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament

We all know that May is the month of Mary, but did you know that it is also called the month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament? It was Saint Peter Julian Eymard who gave this title to the Blessed Mother in May 1868 so that her relationship to the Holy Eucharist could become a role model for her children.

"Consequently, every time we approach the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharistic Liturgy, we also turn to her who, by her complete fidelity, received Christ’s sacrifice for the whole church. The synod fathers rightly declared that 'Mary inaugurates the Church’s participation in the sacrifice of the Redeemer.' She is the Immaculata, who receives God’s gift unconditionally and is thus associated with his work of salvation. Mary of Nazareth, icon
of the nascent church, is the model for each of us, called to receive the gift that Jesus makes of himself in the Eucharist."
Pope Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis, 33

Fr. H. O’Laverty tells us in his book, “The Mother of God and Her Glorious Feasts”:
The month of May has been set apart by the Church for the special devotion to the Mother of God. This whole month has been given to Mary. It has recently been called the month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament….The Blessed Sacrament is the greatest of all the treasures in the Church. It is the source of practically all graces and the consolation of the faithful in this land of exile. We must thank Mary for the Blessed Eucharist. Mary gave Jesus to the world. She offered Him in the Temple on the feast of the Presentation, and she consummated or fulfilled that offering on the first Good Friday…. The title of the month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament is appropriate also for another reason. We always notice that those who are Mary’s children and those who give her some marks of their affection are also known to be specially devoted to the Blessed Eucharist. It would seem that Mary brings her children to this source of all grace and sanctification, and in the same way Jesus wishes that those who are devoted to Him should also be devoted to His own sweet Mother Mary….May the month of Mary be truly and sincerely devoted to Mary, and may this sweet Mother lead us to the feet of Jesus, and there we shall dwell within the very Heart of God and our faults shall be consumed in the flames of the love of the Sacred Heart….Mary’s children will still erect altars in their homes during Our Lady’s month, and the family Rosary will still be recited in the homes of the faithful. These little practices of devotion to Mary have sown the seeds of holiness in families, and the picture of Mary and the devotion to her has sanctified many humble homes and has been one of the best allurements towards a life of virtue and self-denial. (Tan Books and Publishers, 1987)
Bring Flowers of the Rarest
This hymn is sung during the "May Crowning" -- the crowning of a statue of Mary in May.

Bring flowers of the fairest,
Bring flowers of the rarest,
From garden and woodland
And hillside and vale;
Our full hearts are swelling,
Our Glad voices telling
The praise of the loveliest
Rose of the vale.

Refrain: O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May,
O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May.

Our voices ascending,
In harmony blending,
Oh! Thus may our hearts turn
Dear Mother, to thee;
Oh! Thus shall we prove thee
How truly we love thee,
How dark without Mary
Life's journey would be.


O Virgin most tender,
Our homage we render,
Thy love and protection,
Sweet Mother, to win;
In danger defend us,
In sorrow befriend us,
And shield our hearts
From contagion and sin.


Of Mothers the dearest,
Oh, wilt thou be nearest,
When life with temptation
Is darkly replete?
Forsake us, O never!
Our hearts be they ever
As Pure as the lilies
We lay at thy feet.

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