Thursday, July 12, 2012

Devotion for today: benefit from the Church's teachings

Scripture for meditation: Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Scripture for reflection: Matthew 24:24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Pope Leo XIII tells us: The Church, if she directs men to render obedience chiefly and above all to God the Sovereign Lord, is wrongly and falsely believed either to be envious of the civil power or to arrogate to herself something of the rights of the sovereigns.
 On the contrary, she teaches that what is rightly due to the civil power must be rendered to it with a conviction and consciousness of duty. In teaching that from God Himself comes the right of ruling, she adds a great dignity to civil authority, and no small help towards obtaining the obedience and good will of the citizens.
The friend of peace and sustainer of concord, she embraces all with maternal love, and, intent only upon giving help to mortal man, she teaches that to justice must be joined clemency, equity to authority and moderation to lawgiving; that no one’s right must be violated; that order and public tranquility are to be maintained and that the poverty of those who are in need is, as far as possible, to be relieved by public and private charity.
 “But for this reason,” to use the words of St. Augustine, “men think, or would have it believed, that Christian teaching is not suited to the good of the State, for they wish the State to be founded not on solid virtue, but on the impunity of vice.” Knowing these things, both princes and people would act with political wisdom and according to the needs of general safety, if, instead of joining…to destroy the Church, they joined with the Church in repelling their attacks.” (Humanus Genus, April 20, 1884, as found in The Popes Against Modern Errors, arranged and edited by Anthony Mioni, Jr., Tan Books, 1999)

Prayer: God our Father, you have guided the Church since its foundation. You show us the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. Through the gospel and the Eucharist, bring us together in the Holy Spirit and guide us in your love. Help us to grow in holiness, charity and service and to show the living presence of Christ in the world, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. (adapted from the back of a holy card of the Diocese of Arlington, VA)

My thoughts: Did you catch the date on the above Papal Document? If I hadn’t told you who said it and when, my guess is that you would have thought this was written by some modern day theologian. The attacks against the true word of God existed long before Christ founded His Church and The Declaration of Independence gave America its freedom. God’s laws have never been popular because they forbid us to commit the seven deadly sins. In order to be free to commit them, we must do away with God’s laws. Every generation from the beginning of time has found ways to do this, either by worshiping pagan gods, worshiping themselves, declaring that God is dead or professing from the political pulpit that the Church (which represents God) is off its rocker, or worse, downright mean and ridiculous. Whatever means man may find to negate the reality of sin, it is up to us to remain faithful to what we know is truth. God loves us and wants us with Him in heaven. He gave us a road map to follow to get there. It isn’t always going to make us worldly happy because it calls us to a higher happiness: the happiness that comes with right living, and the eternal happiness that comes with heaven. Look to the saints who suffered persecution in their day; read the plight of the prophets in the Old Testament who tried to warn the Israelites of impending dome, and carefully study the writings of the Church Fathers. You will find the strength you need to believe the words you read in the Gospels: “My words are truth and light.”

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